Most Common Reasons Your Roof Can Rot

Jan 4, 2022 | Blog | 0 comments

As a homeowner, a roof is one of the most important parts of a home, and it can be quite expensive to replace. However, roof rot is not always as visible as you might think.

There are many reasons that your roof could have started to rot, including humid weather, moisture issues, ventilation problems, damaged plumbing over the roof, or just neglecting your roof altogether.

Let’s talk about some of these common causes for roof rot to know what kind of professional services you need.

What’s Roof Rooting?

The roof is the part of your home that sits up high and protects you from rain, snow, or sun. It’s made out of many different materials, including roofing shingles, roof trusses, plywood sheathing, and metal roofing panels, to name a few.

When water gets under these surfaces, it can cause problems like roof rot. This happens when the water starts to eat away at the wood or metal, and it can cause a lot of damage in a short time, which can be prevented by residential roofing services in Wylie. 

Common Reasons Your Roof Can Rot

There are many reasons roof rot can occur, and some of them include:


Humid weather is one of the most common causes of roof rot because it’s easy for water to get into cracks or vents. When this happens, wood will swell, and metal roofing panels will start to bend, creating a perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew.


Leaking roofing, gutter problems, or just a general moisture problem can also cause root rot. When water can’t escape the roof properly, it will start to pool and sit on top of the roof.

This will eventually make its way under the shingles and start to eat away at the roofing materials, just like humidity.

Ventilation Problems

If roof vents are blocked or not functioning properly, this can cause roof rot. Roofs need to have good ventilation for the roof to release moisture and heat, so if your roof is unable to do this, this could lead to water damage on top of the roof.

Damaged Plumbing Over The Roof

If you have damaged plumbing over the roof, this can also cause root rot. When water leaks from a broken pipe, it will eventually make its way to the roof and start to eat away at the materials.

This is especially common in older homes that may not have been properly maintained.

What To Do If You Suspect Roof Rot

If you have any of the signs of roof rot like water stains on your ceilings, warped roofing materials, peeling paint, or excessive moisture, then it’s time to call a professional.

PK Renovation Fixes Roof Rooting in Wylie, TX

If you require roof repair services in Wylie, TX, and need a new roof installation, look no further than PK Renovation roofing services. We’re roofing experts who offer residential roofing services in Wylie, TX, and we can fix roof rooting problems fast. Get in touch with us.


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